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Yale PSYC110——心理学导论10 Evolution, Emotion, and ...

发表于 2023-3-20 08:41:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Six basic human emotional expressions:
surprise, fear, disgust, anger, happiness, sadness

Yale PSYC110——心理学导论10 Evolution, Emotion, and ...-1.jpg
1. Universal feelings;  universal faces
Happiness smile (Duchenne smile)
“Pan am” smile, or greeting smile
Coy smiles, Appeasement smiles
- entail gaze/face aversion  
- often with self-touch  
- in situations with potential for negative evaluation of self  
- related to embarrassment  
- related to a desire to affiliate
2. Non-social emotions: The case of fear
Spiders, snakes, heights, storms, large animals, darkness, blood, strangers, humiliation, deep water, leaving home alone (natural fears, things through the course of human evolution have been dangerous to us)
NOT: guns, cars, electrical outlets
3. Social emotions:  Altruism towards kin
Take the perspective of the gene
Which genes survive?
Those that make the most copies of themselves
Animals are “vehicles” through which genes reproduce
Hence, selfish genes lead to altruistic animals
Baby attachment to the parent
The cupboard theory (Skinner)
-- parent provides food, so baby is driven towards the adults
Innate attachment (Bowlby)
-- positive: drawn to mom for comfort and social interaction  
-- negative: fear of strangers
< data-pid="QG47ubQh">Harlow: Wire mothers vs. cloth mothers</p>铁丝妈妈的胸前挂着奶瓶,布料妈妈没有。虽然当婴猴同铁丝妈妈在一起时能喝到奶,但它们宁愿不喝奶,也愿同布料妈妈呆在一起。哈洛由此得出结论,身体接触对婴猴的发展甚至超过哺乳的作用——只有有饮食需要时,它们才去找铁丝妈妈,其余大部分时间则依偎在布料妈妈的身上。
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