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热度 1已有 360 次阅读2010-7-18 23:32

Q: How many uniques a month do you get?
A: 50000-100000

Q: How do you get traffic?
A: build blogs and webpages and I get traffic through PPC on google.

Q: How long have you been doing Internet Marketing?
A: 1 year and a half

Q: What has worked for you in the past?
A: Only PPC

Q: What vertical/category/kind of offer you want to promote, or have promoted in the past?
A: Anything that converts, I've done gaming, freebies, health, ringtones, email submit, etc..

Q: Do you offer incentives?

Q: How much do you spend on advertising?
A: 100$ per day

Q: Do you work with other network, which ones?
A: YES. ( name any that you have been accepted at or name any random ones )

Q: How did you hear about us?
A: My friend told me, but he doesn't work with you.

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